
Preparation of the Believer- Ram Awakening

RAM AWAKENING: April 7, 2017 – Post 5 This weekend, about 130 college students will be attending Ram Awakening, a Catholic retreat in the mountains that’s mission is to grow students in their faith. This retreat has a very special place in my heart. A friend gave me an intentional invite to attend my sophomore […]

Preparation of the Believer- Favored

Favored: March 31, 2017- Post 4 I feel like, once again, I should preface this post by saying that Lent isn’t easy, certainly not for me. Lent stresses disciplined behavior in preparation for the death and resurrection of our Savior. And this discipline and preparation is beautiful in that it allows us to better acknowledge […]

In God We Trust

IN GOD WE TRUST I was never the little girl that dreamed of my Prince Charming or fantasized about the perfect wedding dress, it was actually quite the opposite. I dreamt of adventures, getting lost, sports and well…food. I had a very simple mind as a child. I thought like, well a child. However, being […]

How to Live Fully Alive

What does it mean to be fully alive? We all long for it. We all yearn to break past the masks, to skip the chit-chat, to find the purpose, and to have others know and love our hearts. But how do we get there? Especially in the craze and stress of college. What does being ‘fully […]

He Found Me.

Below is a reflection from Gracie Sharp on her time at SEEK 2015. Gracie is a Freshmen studying microbiology and psychology at Colorado State University. Some people are posting about SEEK2015, and other brave souls shared their stories on the bus back from Nashville. Regrettably, though I was not one of these souls, I still […]

Lions, Lent, and Easter

Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen! This week is such an exciting week! Easter was on Sunday, we are now kicking off the Easter Octave, the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist is this Friday, and we get two new saints this Sunday! The culture around us tells us that Easter is simply a […]