SAB Roles

SAB Mission

The SAB exists to incorporate all students into the one body Christ by providing opportunities of profound encounter with Jesus Christ. This is lived out by each of its members in the following ways:

  1. Personal Holiness
  2. Missionary Witness
  3. Nurturing Community
  4. Vibrant Sacramental Life

The following positions will comprise the Executive Board for the Student Advisory Board

  1. Worship Chair
  2. Service Chair
  3. Fellowship Chair
  4. Education Chair
  5. Activities Chair

Each of these executive chairs will be assigned a role of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Retention & Hospitality Manager or Scheduling Manager.

The Student Advisory Board will be comprised of –

  1. Worship – Liturgy Chair
  2. Adoration Chair
  3. Music Chair
  4. Service– Community Service Chair
  5. RamCatholic Service Chair
  6. Education– Aggiornamento Institute Lecture Series Chair
  7. Aggiornamento Institute Mentorship Chair
  8. Fellowship– Social Chair
  9. Hospitality Chair
  10. Weekly Events Chair
  11. Activities– Outdoor Activities Chair
  12. Intramural Chair
  13. Other-Pro-Life Chair
  14. Development Chair
  15. Phi Kap Chair



The president is in charge of keeping a clear vision for who Ram Catholic is and where they are headed. The responsibilities of the president include //

  1. Schedule and run bi-monthly SAB Meetings
  2. Schedule and run bi monthly meetings with the Campus Ministry Staff
  3. Meet regularly with the Campus Ministry Chaplin to discuss the spiritual needs of the SAB
  4. Effectively communicate SAB to everyone.
  5. Preside as the Student Body Representative on the Pastoral Council

Vice President

It is the vice-president’s responsibility to ensure all SAB chair projects and initiatives are executed timely, responsibly and effectively. The responsibilities of the Vice President include but are not limited to:

  • Project Manager – Initiate, record and follow up on all goals & projects
  • Communications Manager // confirm that proper communication is supplied to the proper outlets in a timely manor.
  • Recording minutes at each meeting
  • Ensure all absent SAB members are brought up to speed in a timely manor.
  • After Action Manager – (video, pictures, number of attendees, After action report)


The Treasurer will be in charge of all financial transactions that take place on behalf of the SAB. The treasurer will work very closely with the Campus Ministry Staff to ensure that all deadlines and requests are made in a timely manor. The responsibilities of the Treasurer include but are not limited to:

  • Preside as the Student Body Representative on the Finance Council
  • Business Manager – Manage all expenditures, revenue & fundraising of the SAB.

Retention & Hospitality Manager

The Retention & Hospitality Manager will be in charge of making sure those who enter our doors feel welcomed. It is vital that this be a person whose desire to see the community grow extends beyond their personal comfort zone.

Scheduling Manager

The Scheduling Manager will work very closely with the Campus Ministry Staff to ensure that all thoughts, plans & desires of the SAB be properly reflected in the master calendar.

Worship Chair

The worship chair assists the Campus Chaplin and the SAB in coordinating events that will bring about a greater encounter with Jesus Christ in the Sacraments. Other Roles that exist within the ministry of worship are //

  1. Liturgy Chair
  2. Adoration Chair
  3. Music Chair

Service Chair

The service chair assists the SAB in coordinating events that will bring about a greater encounter with Jesus Christ in the way we serve our fellow man. Other roles that exist within the ministry of service are

  1. Community Service Chair
  2. RamCatholic Service Chair

Education Chair

The education chair assists the SAB in coordinating events that will bring about a greater encounter with Jesus Christ in the way we engage our God given intellect.

  1. Aggiornamento Institute Lecture Series Chair
  2. Aggiornamento Institute Mentorship Chair

Fellowship Chair

The fellowship chair assists the SAB in coordinating events that will bring about a greater encounter with Jesus Christ in the way we engage our fellow man.

  1. Social Chair
  2. Hospitality Chair
  3. Weekly Events Chair

Activities Chair

The activities chair assists the SAB in coordinating events that will bring about a greater encounter with Jesus Christ in the way we pursue sport and leisure.

  1. Outdoor Activities Chair
  2. Intramural Chair


The Pro-Life chair will be appointed by the Students For Life.

Development Chair

The Development office at Saint John XXIII Catholic Church will appoint The Development Chair.

Phi Kap Chair

This role will act as a liaison between RamCatholic and the Catholic fraternity.