Posts by Josh Applegate

In God We Trust

IN GOD WE TRUST I was never the little girl that dreamed of my Prince Charming or fantasized about the perfect wedding dress, it was actually quite the opposite. I dreamt of adventures, getting lost, sports and well…food. I had a very simple mind as a child. I thought like, well a child. However, being […]

How to Live Fully Alive

What does it mean to be fully alive? We all long for it. We all yearn to break past the masks, to skip the chit-chat, to find the purpose, and to have others know and love our hearts. But how do we get there? Especially in the craze and stress of college. What does being ‘fully […]

He Found Me.

Below is a reflection from Gracie Sharp on her time at SEEK 2015. Gracie is a Freshmen studying microbiology and psychology at Colorado State University. Some people are posting about SEEK2015, and other brave souls shared their stories on the bus back from Nashville. Regrettably, though I was not one of these souls, I still […]

I Do Not Like Lent.

Here is a post from one of our FOCUS Missionaries, Katherine Capadano: I don’t like Lent.  There, I said it.  I don’t look forward to Lent and I have a feeling that I’m not the only one who feels this way. I have tons of super holy friends who tell me how stoked they are […]