The Biology of the Theology of the Body

Together with the Fort Collins 40 Days for Life team – our next distinguished speaker for the Aggiornamento Institute will be Vicki Thorn.

Using scientific studies, Vicki Thorn shows how men and women are inherently different, yet are built to complement each other. She explains the biochemistry of sex, the problems of the sexual revolution and the fascinating science of attraction. Mrs. Thorn uses biological data to show that the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on sexual morality is not outdated and has significant benefits for the physical, mental and spiritual well being of men and women today.

Vicki Thorn is the founder of Project Rachel and the Executive Director of the National office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation & Healing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her work has led her to research how people fall in love and bond to each other. She explains how her findings (especially related to hormones) affect human behavior and relationships. She is a trauma counselor, spiritual director, and a prenatal loss and bereavement facilitator.

If you have any questions – please email Leanne at

We look forward to seeing you!