Leave a Legacy

The gift of faith is the supernatural ability to believe in God without doubt, combat unbelief, and visualize what God wants to accomplish. It is not only an inner conviction impelled by an urgent and higher calling, but also a supernatural ability to meet adverse circumstances with trust in God’s words and messages. You can give the gift of faith to future college students through a legacy gift!

The Ram Catholic Endowment Fund

Legacy gifts will go into an endowment fund that will ensure that Ram Catholic Campus Ministry at Colorado State University lives on in perpetuity.  The  Ram Catholic Endowment Fund is a way for individuals to leave a legacy at Saint John XXIII and give back for years to come. The Endowment is held at the Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado.
Legacy Gifts can Include:
  • One Time Gifts
  • Monthly Gifts
  • Planned Gifts

To Learn more about the

  • Ram Catholic Endowment
  • Legacy Giving
  • Determining the Right Gift for You

Please contact Laura Torres at 970-396-0243 or laura@john23.com


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