ADORE Night Vigil

All Night Vigil // “Come Follow Me”

9-11pm ADORE (Lk 10:1-12) Jesus sent his disciples out two-by-two to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. ADORE is just that! Missionaries are sent out of adoration two-by-two to evangelize the streets of Fort Collins while those in adoration pray for the conversion of hearts to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

11pm-1am In the silence of our hearts (Lk 6:12-16; Mt 14:23) Often, Jesus after his miracles retired to a place of solitude to pray to the Father. During this time we are invited to spend time before our Lord in silence. Praising, praying, thanking and loving his divine Will for us.

1-4am Calvary (Jn 19:17-37) We are all called to be with the Blessed Mother Mary at the foot of Calvary, mourning the death of our Savior. Therefore, we will go to Planned Parenthood, the foot of the Cross, and pray for the unblemished souls of those aborted and their mothers.

4-6am Resurrection of Christ (Lk 24:1-35) Back in adoration, we are then welcomed to meditate on Christ’s redemptive work through the resurrection of the body. What did Christ talk to you about on the Road to Emmaus? How are your hearts burning for Christ?