• What is Ram Awakening?

Ram Awakening is a Catholic retreat designed for college-age students in Fort Collins, CO. It is held two times a year — once in the Fall and once in the Spring semester

Awakening is a three-day retreat beginning around 3:00 pm on a Friday and concluding around 5:00 pm on Sunday. There are a variety of talks and activities designed to “awaken” the Holy Spirit within each of the retreaters. It concludes Sunday with the pinnacle of the Catholic Church, the celebration of the Mass. All college students, regardless of religion, are invited to attend.

If you would like further information on this retreat, please contact a member of leadership listed on Awakening Leadership page, or call Saint John XXIII Catholic Church (970) 484.3356.

  • Who can attend?Retreaters must be a college student in or around the Fort Collins area. That’s it! Being Catholic is not required to attend Awakening.If you are from another school and would like to attend an Awakening retreat please contact Josh Applegate.
  • When are Retreater sign-ups?Sign-ups for Ram Awakening are located in the Narthex of Saint John XXIII Catholic Church.
  • When are Staff sign-ups?

Staff may sign up at any time here on the Ram Awakening website at the RA Staff Application page or at 4th Day Meetings. Please contact our RA Leadership for questions regarding staffing Ram Awakening.


  • What are the fees?The retreat fee to attend Ram Awakening is $35. This covers lodging, 6 meals, and an ENTIRE weekend of fun! Ram Awakening offers scholarships, so please contact the Coordinator if you need financial assistance…don’t be shy! Everyone deserves a chance to attend this eye-opening retreat! We’ll be happy to help any way we can!
  • When and how long is Awakening?

The next Ram Awakening will be held in the Fall 2016 Semester.

  • What if I still have more questions about Awakening?

Please contact RA Leadership here. These guys are amazing, and know the ins and outs of Awakening!