Aggiornamento Institute

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The Aggiornamento Institute is a ministry of Saint John XXIII University Parish and RamCatholic. We host respected Catholic scholars, faith formation classes, and provide professional and vocational mentorship for students within the context of their Catholic Faith. We boldly communicate to the faculty, staff, and students of Colorado State University and Front Range Community College the social, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual teachings of the Catholic Church.

Lectures                      Mentorship                   Theology on Tap

Past Events

 The Aggiornamento Institute presents:

Trent Horn- Answering Atheism

7:00 // September 20th, 2017

Location TBD // Lory Student Center

Colorado State University


Matt Fradd- The 7 Myths of Pornography

7:00 // November 29th, 2017

Location TBD // Lory Student Center

Colorado State University

Sonny Lubick

7:00 pm // April 19th, 2017

Plants and Sciences c101

Colorado State University


Sister Bethany Madonna- Identity As: An Encounter with Healing and Mercy

7:00 pm // March 22nd, 2017

Grand Ballroom 350

Lory Student Center, Colorado State University

Meaning of Aggiornamento

Saint John XXIII named his pontifical program “aggiornamento” in a 1959 speech. Pope Benedict Emeritus stated, “This ‘aggiornamento’, does not mean breaking with tradition; rather, it is an expression of that tradition’s ongoing vitality.”

Pope Benedict Emeritus continued, “Aggiornamento does not mean reducing the faith, debasing it to the fashion of the times using the yardstick of what we like and what appeals to public opinion. Quite the contrary, just as the Council Fathers did, we must mould the ‘today’ in which we live to the measure of Christianity. We must bring the ‘today’ of our times into line with the ‘today’ of God.”

The Aggiornamento Institute promotes the continuation of teaching and educating within the Church’s tradition.


Prior Theology on Taps:

Steve Walsh

7:30 pm // January 25th, 2017

The J23 Events Center

1221 W Elizabeth

Father Peter Mussett

7:30 pm // February 15th, 2017

The J23 Events Center

1221 W Elizabeth


Videos of Previous Aggiornamento Lectures:

The Biology of the Theology of the Body with Vicki Thorn


From a Culture of Exclusion to a Culture of Encounter with Dr. Jonathan Reyes


Redefining Marriage – Why It Matters // Dr. Ryan T. Anderson


The Ministry of Exorcism // Father Gary Thomas