What is the difference between Development and Weekly Tithing?

What does Development support?

Development supports Ram Catholic Campus Ministry programs and staff.


What does weekly tithing support?

Weekly tithing supports the upkeep of the church, non-campus ministry programs and non-campus ministry staff.


Why are development and weekly tithing separate?

Campus Ministry is thriving and growing at Colorado State University and in the entire Archdiocese of Denver. As a result of this growth and success parish tithing cannot support campus ministry in addition to supporting parish upkeep and staff. To bridge the financial gap a development office was started to fund Catholic Campus Ministry at Colorado State University.

Development efforts work to connect individuals with a passion for campus ministry to an opportunity to make a difference in that ministry through gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Parishioners of Saint John XXIII and other parishes have the opportunity to support Catholic Campus Ministry at Colorado State University through the development office.

100% of the money donated to the development office goes to Campus Ministry because of an agreement with the Archdiocese of Denver. A percentage of weekly tithing at each parish is given to the diocese however an exception was made for development offices supporting Catholic Campus Ministry in Colorado. Because of this important difference all funds directed to the development office must be accounted for separately from weekly tithing.

If you are interested in supporting Ram Catholic Campus Ministry please direct your donations to the development office by making checks payable to Ram Catholic or by contacting the development office directly.


Laura Torres: Director of Development

970-396-0243 or laura@john23.com


Maddie Burbach: Development Coordinator

970-484-3356 ext:117 or Maddie@john23.com